Sunday, October 26, 2008


With This
But in Aquamarine colour....


Unfortunately ill have to choose one :(

So which one do u think i should get??


Lili3 said...

it depends on which looks better on you, but IMO black is better cuz then no one can see my eyes LOL

Dolly said...

lili3 : Yes true i wanted the black one for the same reasons.. But i still think i wanna go for both lol... they both look HOT on me... hehehhe

Lili3 said...

Lol my mom gets both sometimes when shes confused about the colors XD

Dolly said...

Your mum is so cool i like her... I believe that if someone likes something so much.. no matter how much it is.. they should get it loool coz in the end money comes and goes.. and if this thing brings happiness to you.. then u should get it because its gonna bring you happiness :D